
十大网赌软件推荐 Board

Mr. 比尔·坎宁安主席(普拉斯基县)


Mr. 威廉·"比尔"·坎宁安代表普拉斯基县. He is a partner at Cunningham Real Estate, where he handles property development and management.

他参与了几个社区组织,包括担任克莱托湖之友的财务主管, 普拉斯基鼓励进步委员会主席, 和普拉斯基县商会. He also served on the boards of Pulaski County EDA and Pulaski County Lewis Gale Hospital.

Cunningham is an alumnus of American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, where he earned an associate degree in occupational studies, and he also holds a bachelor’s degree from Roanoke College.

他住在都柏林, 此外,他还参加了许多社区活动, 他还喜欢住在克莱托湖和打高尔夫球.

Dr. 帕特里夏·B. Huber,秘书(十大网赌软件推荐主席)

Pat Huber

When Pat Bear graduated from Wytheville Community College in 1974, she never imagined that one day she would become president of a college. 但是,43年后的今天. Pat B. Huber became New River Community College’s sixth president and the first female to hold the position.

十大网赌软件推荐全职工作了25年. 胡贝尔在担任主管教学和学生服务的副校长10年之后担任校长. 她还担任过其他领导和教学职务. 她获得了博士学位.D. 2006年在老道明大学担任社区学院领导,同时担任十大网赌软件推荐艺术与科学学院院长.

她持有Emory and Henry College的英语学士学位,以及West Virginia University的中等教育硕士学位.

In Pulaski, where she resides with her husband, Peter, Dr. Huber喜欢成为普拉斯基扶轮社的社员并参与社区活动. 她还任职于First United Methodist Church的多个委员会和领导委员会,以及the Community Foundation of the New River Valley的董事会和奖学金委员会.

Dr. 胡贝尔喜欢在空闲时间与家人共度时光,做饭,并十大网赌排行榜当地的运动队.

Mr. Craig Chancellor (Floyd County)


Craig Chancellor代表弗洛伊德县. He is an agent and developer with Thomas and Wall Real Estate.

他有丰富的审计经验, 财务会计, 信息技术, 以及商业和商业发展. Chancellor previously served as controller at Chateau Morrisette, LLC, a winery in Floyd County. He worked for many years with NiSource Gas Transmission and Service, eventually becoming vice president of business development.

He currently serves as the Floyd County Chamber of Commerce President.

A graduate of Missouri State University, he holds a degree in finance & 他是一名注册会计师. 他和妻子雷纳特住在威利斯.

Dr. 玛格丽特·德瓦尔德-林克(弗洛伊德县)


玛格丽特Dewald-Link博士.D.,住在英国. Dewald-Link holds doctorate, master and bachelor degrees in education 来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学.

她的职业生涯横跨医疗保健和教育领域,还曾在公立学校和大学任教 and universities as well as working as a college admissions representative. 德瓦尔-林克开始了她的职业生涯 在匹兹堡公立学校系统任教,然后成为弗雷明汉州立学院和弗吉尼亚理工大学的助理教授.

She also spent many years as an owner and director of home health care agencies.

Dewald-Link是宾夕法尼亚州立大学十大网赌软件推荐会和海文斯教堂联合卫理公会教堂的成员, 她在那里做成人主日学老师.

她嫁给了詹姆斯. “Jim” Link and has two step-children, Sonya Carr and James E. Link, Jr.还有一个儿子普雷斯顿·林克. She enjoys traveling and restoring/refinishing antiques.

Mr. 理查德·奇德斯特(贾尔斯县)


Richard L. Chidester, 的Pearisburg, started his education at Southside Virginia Community College, earning an associate degree in police science in 1976. 他于1977年在弗吉尼亚联邦大学(Virginia Commonwealth University)获得司法行政学士学位,主修警察规划和管理,1982年在马歇尔威斯法学院(Marshall Wythe School of Law)获得法学博士学位.

He has served as the Giles County attorney since 1984, and full-time since January 2017. 他是哈特利的前任校长 & Chidester P.C. law firm. He also served as a campus police offer at the College of William and Mary from 1977 to 1982.


奇德斯特的妻子托妮是一名退休教师. 他们有两个孩子. Michelle Linkous and Michael Chidester and five grandchildren, Carson, James, Ellie, 卢克和佩斯利.


Mr. 克里斯托弗·P. 麦克拉尼(贾尔斯县)

克里斯托弗·P. McKlarney

克里斯托弗·P. McKlarney is the county administrator for Giles County. McKlarney holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Bluefield State College.

他参与了多个社区组织,包括在Carilion Giles社区医院董事会任职,并担任Mountain Lake Conservancy的主席.

McKlarney’s family includes his wife Nicole and three sons Isaac, Ethan, and Jacob. 他喜欢当教练、远足、打猎和烹饪.

Mrs. 杰西卡·利特尔约翰(蒙哥马利县)


Jessica D. 小约翰,.E., of Blacksburg, is the Vice President of Engineering at Hurt & Proffitt公司. 在她的位置上, 她是布莱克斯堡市政府的领导, 土地开发, 及运输部门. 她在土木工程行业的职业生涯跨越特拉华州和弗吉尼亚州超过20年.

Littlejohn has a vast amount of experience in water and wastewater transmission systems, 雨水, 土地规划, and site design of residential and commercial developments. 她持有专业工程师执照(P.E.)在弗吉尼亚, Delaware, 马里兰州和宾夕法尼亚州, 她还获得了密歇根州立大学颁发的简化战略规划证书.

She is an alumna of Virginia Tech where she earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.

Littlejohn是Blacksburg Partnership Transportation Committee的联合主席,也是Onward NRV的成员, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Waterworks Association.

She enjoys working on home improvement projects, hiking, landscaping and sewing. Her family includes her husband Ian and four children Elias, Mia, Sophia and Liam.

Mrs. 博比·波特(蒙哥马利县)


博比·波特住在克里斯蒂安斯堡. She holds a master of education degree from the University of Wyoming.

波特在怀俄明州担任了八年的学校辅导员,然后在里弗顿的中央怀俄明州学院担任社区大学转学顾问, WY. 她还在夏洛茨维尔的皮埃蒙特十大网赌排行榜担任了16年的转学顾问. 她从弗吉尼亚理工大学农业和生命科学学院退休,担任本科生招聘和社区学院联络协调员.

Her volunteer service includes the Montgomery County Christmas Store, 100+关心NRV的女人, 和弗吉尼亚理工大学的本地人, 这是一个校园组织,致力于提高美国印第安人和其他土著民族在校园里的知名度.

She is married to Ken Potter, who is a faculty member at Virginia Tech. 他们有两个孩子, 罗恩·波特和萨拉·毕晓普, 还有四个孙子, Jackson, Jacob, 艾拉和诺拉. 波特喜欢旅行、阅读和烹饪.

Mr. 埃里克·约翰逊(蒙哥马利县)


Eric K. Johnsen is the owner of 埃里克·约翰森 State Farm Agency in Christiansbug. His career with State Farm spans nearly 20 years including positions as field sales associate, 机构现场顾问, 金融服务产品助理.

他的职业生涯始于Morgan Stanley Dean Witter和First National Bank的财务管理. 约翰森拥有众多保险行业证书, 包括高级生活顾问, 特许寿险承保人, 及特许财务顾问. 他也是一名注册财务规划师.

约翰森是国际扶轮的长期社员,也是布莱克斯堡扶轮社的社员. He is also a Virginia Tech Hokie Club and Monogram Club member.

Johnsen is currently an adjunct instructor in the finance department at Virginia Tech, 他还在那里获得了金融学士学位和家庭财务管理硕士学位,

他和他的妻子. Jennifer Rathmann Johnsen, live in Blacksburg with their two children, Jack and Tommy. 他喜欢户外活动。, hiking, hunting, camping, and attending his children’s many athletic events including baseball, basketball, and soccer.

Mr. Jonathan D. 甜(普拉斯基县)


Mr. Jonathan D. Sweet is the county administrator for Pulaski County, a position he has held since January 2017. 他曾担任格雷森县的行政长官和首席经济发展官. 他拥有近15年的首席行政官经验和超过17年的地方政府经验.

雷德福大学(Radford University)的十大网赌软件推荐,获得传播学学士学位,主修公共关系, 他还完成了弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院的高级管理人员研究所,是俄克拉荷马大学经济发展研究所的毕业生.

自2010年以来,他一直是国际县管理协会(International County Management Association)的持证经理,并在全国县协会年度会议上被美国城市和县杂志(American City and County Magazine)评为2015年全国县领导人.

He is a long-standing member of the Virginia Association of Counties, 弗吉尼亚经济发展商协会, 南方经济发展委员会, 弗吉尼亚地方政府管理人员协会和国际县管理协会.

He lives in Fairlawn with his wife, Natalie, and three children. 他喜欢打高尔夫球、健身和家庭时光.

Mr. 卡梅隆·皮尔(普拉斯基县)


Mr. 卡梅伦皮代表普拉斯基县.

He is vice president of sales and chief client officer at Camrett Logistics, 家族企业, where his focus is growing organic business and bringing new opportunity to the company. 他就读于老道明大学, where he earned a degree with a double major in supply chain management and decision sciences.

Peel’s community involvement includes serving as president of the Pulaski County Youth Center, 威斯维尔高尔夫俱乐部副主席, 美国后勤援助网络第三区主任, and chair of the Virginia Maritime Association Southwest Chapter.

他住在都柏林 and enjoys spending time at the lake and sports.

Mrs. Tosha Mosier (Radford City)

Tosha Mosier

Tosha Mosier住在Radford,拥有Radford University的传播学学士学位,辅修管理专业. 她也是一位有执照的美容师.

Mosier目前是医疗运输公司医疗运输管理(MTM)的主管。. She has previously held gas milage reimbursement help desk and CCR1-111 positions at MTM.

At MTM, Mosier致力于多元化和包容性,并于2020年参加了公司的Bench项目.

She is married to Jermere Mosier and has three children, Elijah, Mekin, and Zendaya. She enjoys fund raising and giving back to her community, travel, basketball games, and reading.

Mr. 副主席克里斯托弗Calfee (Radford)


Mr. 克里斯托弗·卡菲代表雷德福市. He is an AVP, Commercial Lender with Summit Community Bank.

他的职业生涯始于金融行业,曾担任Bank of America in Radford的银行官员,并担任财务顾问和规划师,最终成为Branch banking and Trust和Atlantic Union Bank的助理副总裁.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Liberty University, 他是十大网赌软件推荐十大网赌软件推荐. He and his wife, Becki, and their two daughters, Addie and Bella, live in Radford.







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